21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

January 9-29, 2023

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting is a time to seek God daily in prayer and fasting collectively as a church. Together, we believe for God to move in powerful ways and create a lasting impact on our lives.

Download the River Valley App

How to Participate

In your River Valley app, you will find a guide to 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting complete with scripture, videos and prayer prompts.

Each day throughout the 21 days will have a specific prayer focus. Set aside time to pray about the focus of the day.

We will gather at 6am Monday-Friday and 9am on Saturday for one hour at all of our River Valley locations (Maple Grove will be gathering Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY) to collectively seek the Lord as a campus family.

If you can’t make it to one of our locations in person, pray with us virtually on zoom from 12pm-1pm CT Monday-Friday. Click here to join the call!

Participate in an all-day fast each Wednesday throughout the 21 Days. You can learn more about fasting below!

Join us for a church-wide worship night at one of our locations as we continue to seek God and celebrate all that He has done during the 21 days. 

Daily Prayer Focus

Week One: Our Heart

Day One: Surrender

Day Two: Inspiration

Day Three: Transformation

Day Four: Authenticity

Day Five: Sacrificial Love

Day Six: Courage

Day Seven: Obedience

Week Two: Our Home

Day Eight: Worship & Creative Team

Day Nine: Being God’s Witnesses

Day Ten: Next Generation

Day Eleven: Holiness

Day Twelve: Pastors

Day Thirteen: Deacons, Elders, Leaders

Day Fourteen: Humility

Week Three: Our World

Day Fifteen: Generosity

Day Sixteen: Our Heart is Global

Day Seventeen: Unreached People Groups

Day Eighteen: Unity

Day Nineteen: Persecuted Church

Day Twenty: River Valley’s 500 Missionaries

Day Twenty-One: Presence of God