Global Teams

Global Teams is one of the ways we are reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Every month, teams of volunteers from River Valley Church travel around the world to help meet physical and spiritual needs and share the love of Jesus Christ. With a vision of sending every person in our church on a Global Team within the first three years of coming to River Valley, we offer a variety of team options—one for everyone in the family.

Global Teams vary from short, 3-day local teams, to longer, 14-day international teams—and now a variety of virtual teams! Global Teams can cost as little as $50 for a virtual team or as much as $4000+ for a longer 10-12 day team, but no matter how long or how much, going is always worth the investment.

Virtual Teams

Virtual Global teams are open to everyone—families, kids, teens, adults, those who have never been on a Global Team and those who have been on multiple! These teams take place over Zoom for two hours, four days in a row. The team meets early in the morning or in the evening, so there is no need to take time off of work or school! The cost is $50 per person and $25 per additional participant (spouse, children, friends, etc)


  1. Connect with missionaries on the ground—hear their stories, learn about their ministries, explore the culture, ask questions and pray!
  2. Virtual tour: See for yourself what it’s like to serve people in their location and culture.
  3. Experience bag: Receive items from the location that you can taste, smell, and see, along with a prayer card and Xplore book.