Kristine Nelson (Kilman)

South Africa

Our mission field is in a university town called Potchefstroom South Africa. The general population is university students, Afrikaans families, township communities and very few internationals. South Africa is extremely culturally diverse and acts as almost a ‘melting pot’ of Africa! There are 11 official languages spoken in this nation. The various religious beliefs here are Christianity, African religions, Islam, and Hinduism.

First Mission

going to Guatemala on a missions trip, my family and I went to serve the local orphanage, surrounding villages and people here

Becoming a Missionary

I felt like I was truly called as a missionary during 2019 when I was doing my discipleship training school in YWAM, Kona. I have always has a missional heart but did not quite have language to put behind it until this time. I remember the night I fully said yes to God and to the Great Commission and I truly found what God has created me for and my purpose for living! I


Jack (Nelson) Kilman - Husband