Ryan Crozier


Ryan and Andrea Crozier minister in Bucharest, Romania where they work to prevent human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

First Mission

Ryan’s first experience with missions happened when he was 12 years old and he went to Romania on a short-term trip. He describes the experience as “it ruined our lives in the best way possible”. By the time he was 17 he had been back 5 times and spent a few summers volunteering with various organizations. Andrea’s first mission experience was when she was 17 years old and she went to Panama with her father, River Valley Associate Campus Pastor Greg Youman. They spent time in schools and with children in the community, telling them about Jesus. During her third year in college she went on my second mission trip to L.A. and worked with the Dream Center program. That trip developed a passion for people coming from difficult situations, such as homelessness, drug addictions and those being prostituted.

Becoming a Missionary

For Ryan the call came during the summer he spent in Romania as a 17 year old when he sensed the Lord telling him he would live there one day. That moment set him on a path to attend North Central University for preparation for the missions. Andrea received her calling through a dream one night, in college. The dream was a vision of herself on streets that she didn’t recognize and working with children of a different nationality. When she woke up the next day she felt peace as she sensed the dream was confirmation from God that she was called to live in Romania.


Empowering People for Social Good in Romania.


Andrea Crozier - Wife
Conrad Crozier - Son