Todd Anderson


Their passion and heart is to reach the unreached peoples of their region, planting multiplying churches among them, and to show God’s love to the poor and needy in their city. Its their dream that as people in these communities encounter Jesus, their lives, their families and ultimately their community would be radically transformed. That dream is starting to become reality and they are excited to see it continue to unfold!

First Mission

The Andersons ministered in Nepal for the first 10 years of their missionary career doing church planting and training of national workers. In 2001 they moved to Siliguri, West Bengal, India where they have been leading the Frontier Missions work of YWAM since that time. They have been involved in the training of cross cultural Indian missionaries for work among the unreached in China, Bhutan, Cambodia as well as India. They have pioneered a ministry to the poor and needy in the urban slums of their city resulting in several house churches among both Bengali and Bihari peoples. They are also involved in a ministry to widows and malnourished children in those communities.


Cindy Anderson - Wife
Jenna Anderson
Jeremy Anderson
Steffi Anderson