Garrick Duckett


We have been appointed as church planting missionaries to join an established team in Nara, Japan. Japan is a country of 125M inhabitants, where only .5% of the population is Christian, and the number of believers and missionaries has been only shrinking for the last 30 years. Also, over 70% of Japanese church leaders are over the age of 70, which means that they are desperately hurting for the next generation to rise up and carry the torch of the gospel to their neighbors and fellow citizens. In our first year and a half in Japan, we have engaged most heavily in language learning and partnership with our local church, Nara New Life, who have been mentoring us in our future venture to start a church in the surrounding area. Our main focuses have been ministry through the vivacious young family community in our town: children's ministry, gymnastics class, local play room, parks, and soon Kaia will be joining our neighborhood pre-school. In addition we have been investing in relationships with a number of other individuals long-term, leading worship, and visiting Japanese churches around the country sharing our testimonies and building a network of national believers. Our current short term goals now: Continue language learning for another 2 years, 2024 begin surveying neighborhoods in summer for church plant (move spring 2025 to target area), establish parent relationships at Kaia's preschool.

First Mission

I translated in Guatemala for a short-term missions team in 2010. I continued returning for two subsequent years. These trips were local construction projects, vacation Bible school, and outreach, assisting a Guatemalan church.

Becoming a Missionary

When I was 13 I heard the Lord say to me I was going to be a teacher, a preacher, and a missionary. I was not a believer myself, but grew up in a Christian home. For years after that, I kept getting the inclination that God was calling me to be part of his workforce, but I didn’t understand the Gospel until I was 23. I heard a guest speaker missionary at a church event I was invited to, and from that night on, I surrendered to the Lord and his commission to take the church to where it’s not.


Emi Duckett - Daughter
Ana Duckett - Wife
Kaia Duckett - Daughter